Beware of scam antivirus products on the market. The worst offender is TotalAV which is also called PC Protect and ScanGuard. Once they get your money trying to stop paying them is practically impossible. I would also recommend steering clear of AVG and AVAST antivirus which has now just become an advertising vehicle for other Read More
It’s time to change to using Solid State Drives (SSDs) to backup your data. Officeworks currently have a 480GB SSD for only $79. WD Elements SE SSD Hard Drive 480GB WDBAYN4800ABK-WESN
This company pays a paltry sum to the real artists and then uses your money to pay idiots like Joe Rogan to spout anti-vax misinformation. Spotify’s attempt to use the Facebook playbook over Joe Rogan won’t wash
This was an ad running on Facebook until recently. I have also had a number of clients hit with viruses after clicking on links from Facebook. Scam ads: why an Australian billionaire is launching legal action against Facebook